Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The First Amendment essays

The First Amendment essays In 1777, the Continental Congress adopted a set of rules known as the Articles of Confederation. From these meager beginnings sprang thirteen states and a promise of a representational government. Twelve years later congress ratified ten amendments which provided civil liberties to all Citizens, these first ten amendments are known as the Bill of Rights. Over the years I have come to associate many of these rights to the First Amendment. The First Amendment guarantees our rights to religion, speech, press and assembly. By exploring these freedoms, I will demonstrate how this amendment is the most important to me. The First Amendment's guarantee of religious freedom was influenced by the colonial practice of relative religious freedom. Pilgrims and Puritan dissenters from England seeking religious freedom formed many of the early colonies. Religious leaders such as John Winthrop, Roger Williams, and eventually William Penn arrived in the New World to promote their idea of religious beliefs based in Scripture and not political agenda. Today, we honor and respect this basic right. With the events of September 11, 2001 still exploding in our hearts and our memories, religious tolerance was tested. Some took it upon themselves to lash out unjustly against a religion and will be brought to justice for their crimes. The First Amendment protects the Muslim faith as it protects all faiths. The founding fathers of the Bill of Rights, James Madison, George Mason and Thomas Jefferson made it clear that a government should function according to basic human decency and morality, not religion. Freedom of Speech has been a subject of discussions for years and probably for years to come. True freedom of speech did not exist until 1925 when the United States Supreme Court ruled in Gitlow v. People of New York that freedom of speech must be included in the Fourteenth Amendment. ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Ahead of the pack, USP Magazine - Emphasis

Ahead of the pack, USP Magazine Ahead of the pack, USP Magazine Rob Ashton explains how to use writing skills to become a recognised industry expert. If you take a poll to find the worlds top music executive, the chances are that most people will say Simon Cowell. There may be other executives with more talent and panache. You can even argue that his fellow judges are more musically adept. But Cowell has positioned himself as the expert. The public are divided revering and reviling him in equal measure. But what he says goes. No-one can deny his status and authority in the music industry. As a sales professional, you could do well to take a leaf out of Cowells book. The market for office supply equipment is crowded, with many brands jostling for space. Your prospects need a shortcut to enable them to decide who to buy from and what to buy. There often isnt time for them to kick-back with a cup of tea and analyse the messages youre communicating through your sales and marketing material. But you can stand out by positioning yourself as an expert. Prospective customers will start to see you as a trusted advisor before theyve even engaged your services. And they will be more likely to buy from you as a result. Expert status can lead to other opportunities, such as giving speeches or hosting workshops, which again make selling easier. Its a virtuous circle. Yet, we Brits can be a self-deprecating bunch. We often prefer to operate our businesses and careers with as little fanfare as possible. The thought of public speaking can send shivers down our spines. But through writing, even the most unassuming character can shine. And writing reports, articles, white papers and blogs can help you to become the preferred provider in the industry. Whats more, good writing doesnt just have to be an innate skill: its something you can learn. These seven steps will help you write your way to expert status. One Consistently show how your company differentiates itself in the marketplace. Dont be afraid to recommend doing things differently. Two Be curious about your clients. What really makes them tick? Get to know your clients inside out by asking lots of questions, rather than making assumptions about what they need and want. Three Then write from their perspective, not yours. Think beyond the products or services you offer and focus on how your business has an impact on the lives of your clients. Whether youre writing a brochure, pamphlet or article, you need to focus on your clients needs. Begin by asking yourself: What is the document about? Who will read it? How much do they already know about the subject? What do they absolutely need to know? How important is the subject to them? How interested are they in the subject? (Note that readers arent always interested in whats important to them. So you often need to make them interested.) To become a trusted advisor, your writing needs to be clear and punchy. You can achieve this with careful planning. Brainstorm everything you want to include in your document using the headings Who?, What?, Where?, When?, and Why? Then only include what you think is essential for your readers to know. Your document will be much clearer as a result. Four Comment on relevant industry stories by writing letters to magazines. Use the SCRAP formula: Situation Begin by explaining the situation (or where the industry is). Complication Introduce the idea that theres a problem (why the industry cant stay as it is). Resolution State your answer to the problem. The reader will think of you as an expert because you can offer a practical, considered, solution. Action Suggest what action the reader can or should take. Offer a viewpoint that is new and intriguing. Politeness Finally, end with a polite but thought-provoking sign-off. Five Suggest article ideas to trade newspapers and magazines. The best articles to position yourself as an expert are how-to features. You could reveal the secrets behind photocopier maintenance, or how to eke the most out of ink cartridges, for instance. Send a synopsis of the article to the magazine first. Write a snappy headline and standfirst (the two lines under the headline). Then write an attention-grabbing opening paragraph and a few bullet points about what your article will include. The magazine editor can then give you further guidelines to ensure your article is a hit with the readers. Six Blogs have a worldwide audience of millions. So its well worth setting up a blog and using it to connect with your clients. Pay careful attention to every post you make. Only write things you dont mind being broadcast on the 10 Oclock News. Dont ever gripe about clients or competitors: Seven In your writing, include examples of how you and your company make a real difference to people. Make your writing personal. Its more powerful to write that one in five people found that their ink lasted longer than to use the term 20 per cent. Speak directly to the reader by using words such as you, we, us and our. And use the active voice as much as possible. For instance, weve helped over 1000 customers with their printing needs is far more effective than Over 1000 customers have been helped with their printing needs. Positioning yourself as an expert is a skill that will serve you throughout your whole career. Even if you decide you want to sell condos in the Caribbean in the future, the skills youll learn are transferable. You may not achieve the wealth and fame of someone like Simon Cowell. But you can forge your way as a leader in your industry. And with a little thought, care and attention, your expert status will pay dividends. Rob Ashton is Chief Executive of Emphasis, the specialist business-writing trainers.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Organizational Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organizational Design - Essay Example Organizational Design Orlando Health is a network of privately run, non-profit community and specialty hospitals, located in Orlando, Florida. The network consists of eight health care institutions, and the one which is the focus of this brief report is Orlando Regional Medical Center (ORMC), which is the only level one trauma center in Central Florida and also the corporation's flagship medical center. Although, the network consists of eight institutions, each one operates independently and works under a decentralized setup. OHCG is at its heart a decentralized one. (Freund 1995). There is a centralized leadership with CEO and top management teams, but each institution functions independently. As far as physical location is concerned, though the main campus of Orlando Health is located with four out of the eight health care institutions including ORMC grouped together in that campus, each one has a separate or decentralized physical setup. This design enables each institution to act independently and also coordinate when there is a need. Focusing on ORMC, it is an 808-bed hospital specializing in trauma, critical care, emergency care, cardiology, orthopedics and neurosciences. (About Us, n. d). So, its function is to treat critically injured patients as part of trauma care, with a dedicated team of certified doctors, nurses and other technicians working 24/7.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Concept of Cultural Diversity is Society Assignment

The Concept of Cultural Diversity is Society - Assignment Example As Jane Elliott's "Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes" experiment teaches, there are many criteria of distinction like racism and prejudice. Racism and Classism which are inextricably tied together are the two most common criteria of conceptualization of social class. David Wellman defines racism as a "system of advantage based on race." (Wellman1977). Color is the other main criterion that determines the social class and this may well be defined as the diction made between people on the basis of the color of their skin. The power of the money that one owns also determines the social class of the person and thus we have the rich and the poor. In modern society we see the rich becoming the richer and the poor the poorer. All these elements go into the making up of the social classes. A. Two of the basic distinctions that we find in the social class system are that of race and ethnicity. These are the two major kinds of class discriminations that we face in modern society, especially in the US. Racial group and ethnic group, often considered as the same, have many similarities as well as differences. Before we make the detailed distinction between the two, let it be remembered that any kind of distinction made on the basis of race and ethnicity is the most harmful situation in the world today. The "Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes" experiment of Jane Elliott teaches us how important it is to rise above the barriers of such distinctions made on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, and so on. Nobody is more privileged than others on the basis of the color of the skin, the ethnic group or the particular race or class one belongs to. Let us also remember the great voice of Martin Luther King who pleaded for the racial equality of all the people. "History is cluttered with the wre ckage of nations and individuals who pursued [the] self-defeating path of hate." (Sklar 1997). There are striking similarities between racism and ethnicity. A racial group is one that is distinguished from that of other groups on the basis of some well defined and salient features of its own. This type of classification is a general categorization on the basis of color and other types of distinction. On the other hand, when we speak about an ethnic group, we are particularly identifying the distinction based on the individual cultural aspect of that community or group. The members of an ethnic group identify themselves on the basis of their descent, ancestry, and lineage. They have a distinction on the basis of the culture, religion, language and other characteristics. Thus, in the racial discrimination of the Blacks from the Whites, we see the racial group formula working out. In the case of particular ethnic group existing on its own to sideline the other cultural, national, and racial groups we find the distinction based on the individual ethnicity. The impact of these diff erences whether it is racial or ethnic begins even at a very young age. The racial caste system is a way of life that subjugates one race of the community to another. Jim Crow was such a racial caste system and under this system, the Afro-Americans were treated as the second class citizens.  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Pennsylvania Association Essay Example for Free

Pennsylvania Association Essay The right to an appropriate public education and equal treatment of children with disabilities has been a highly contested issue in the last few decades. Until 1975, most disabled children were deliberately segregated and denied the right to education. In 1971, a case was filed by the Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children against the Common Wealth of Pennsylvania (PARC v. PA) on the access of to public education by the children with disabilities. Attorney Thomas K. Gilhool represented PARC while Attorney Gen. , Ed Weintrub represented the defendants in the three judge case. The concerned parents (plaintiff) through their attorney argued that children with disabilities were denied free access to education and/or an appropriate and adequate education under the then instructional programs (United States District Court, 1971). Inspired by the equal rights movement, the parents presented their claim through Attorney Thomas who based his argument on the Brown v. Board of Education case which had ruled out that the equal but separate schools’ segregation in practice was unconstitutional under the Federal constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment. However, the defendants (commonwealth) did not struggle for the exclusion of such children but rather opted to collaborate with the United States federal court and PARC to arrive at a consent agreement. The case led to a landmark decision affirming that children with disabilities have an equal right to education at the expense of the public including due processes. Ruling on the case, the judges referred to Section 1304 of the 1949’s Public School Code under which they forbid any form of denial of access of the mentally retarded children to free public education and/or training program (Ibid). Quoting Section 1372(3) of the same code, the court ruled against denial of home based instruction to any child with child retardation on the basis that the disability due to retardation is not short-long-term and/ or that the retardation is not accompanied by physical disability. The ruling also obliged the defendants to conduct with immediate effect a reevaluation of the stated plaintiffs including all other mentally retarded individuals of 6 to 21 years and provide every one of them appropriate and free public education program and training in line with their abilities (Wise Fagan, 2000). PA was also ordered to provide a preschool program for both mentally healthy and retarded children below six years of age according to their abilities The ruling demanded that commonwealth provide free appropriate public education (FAPE) which is an individualized educational and training program that meets the specific needs of each individual according to their type of disability. This implies that a school psychologists, regarded as a diagnostician with the responsibility of conducting individual study and evaluation of abnormal cases to provide recommendation. The psychologist is concerned with the assessment and arrangement of contingencies for groups or individual students (Ibid). The ruling of this case expanded the scope to which the psychologist could intervene into individualized cases as the limited focus on individualized instruction formerly practiced was lifted. For instance, prior to this case, a school psychologist would have been limited to offer intervention programs recommending special or individualized care since segregation did not allow it. This means that the school psychologist is no longer limited in the range of individualized remedies they can offer to various instructors. The U. S Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA Act) governs the manner in which public agencies and states provide special education and early intervention programs for children with disabilities. It focuses on the age bracket ranging from birth to 21 years of age. IDEA was formed from the preceding Education for All Handicapped Children Act which is a product of several federal laws ruling against the unconstitutional segregation and deprivation of public education and training programs to children with disabilities (Network of Advocates for Promising Practices in Education). The ruling of the PARC v. Common wealth case provided the platform for these similar cases that facilitated for the 1975’s Education for All Handicapped Children Act that guaranteed for the first time, constitutionally protected rights to an appropriate and free public education to youths and children with disabilities. Amendments on the law in 1990 had the name of the Act changed to IDEA. This 1971 ruling has continued to impact on IDEA and disabilities issues at large since through its consideration, the former unconstitutional segregation of schools on separate but equal basis was nullified. References Network of Advocates for Promising Practices in Education, IDEA History. Retrieved 27 May 2010 from http://www. etsu. edu/idea/nappe/ideahistory. html. United States District Court. (1971). Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 334 F. Supp. 1257 (E. D. PA 1972). E. D. Pennsylvania. Retrieved 27 May 2010 from http://www. faculty. piercelaw. edu/redfield/library/Pdf/case-parc. pennsylvania. pdf. Wise, P. S. Fagan, T. K. (2000). School Psychology: Past, present, and future. (2nd ed. ). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Illegal Immigration into The United States of America :: Immigration Immigrants Persuasive Essays

Immigration, legal or otherwise, is a huge issue right now. Debates rage about how many immigrants should be allowed into the country and how zealously we should guard our border from illegal intruders. To a point, these people are correct, illegal immigration is something that should be stopped. People should not cross the border illegally or overstay on visits. The important question is, however, does illegal immigration deserve the massive amount of attention it receives? No, it does not. By looking at the respected immigrants of the past and thinking about the issues in a clear and objective way, it becomes apparent that illegal immigration (and legal immigration, for that matter) is not as vital an issue as many consider it to be. A key point in this discussion is that many of those who are vehemently opposed to illegal immigration are also opposed to large amounts of legal immigration as well. These thinly hidden agendas mean that often the debate on illegal immigration cannot be separated from the debate on legal immigration. According to Negative Population Growth (which is a suspect source), Americans are firmly believe in tough laws against illegal immigrants and that 70% of Americans want no more than 300,000 legal immigrants to enter the U.S. per year. In fact, N.P.G. says that 20% of Americans want immigration completely stopped. Taking these numbers as the truth, it is clear that America thinks that we have too many immigrants. Such a dislike of immigration is interesting considering the success of past immigration. Many people would say that today's immigrants are somehow different than those of the past. However, the truth is that the similarities between the immigrants of today and those of the past are numerous. Their reasons for coming to this country are often similar. Many of the immigrants of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were compelled to leave their homes by the rapidly changing nature of their countries. In the Europe of the 19th century, this meant quickly growing population and a rapidly industrializing economy. In nations like Mexico and Vietnam, the same thing is happening today, they "are undergoing the same convulsive demographic and economic disruptions that made migrants out of so many nineteenth century Europeans" (Kennedy p.64). Those who are against the immigration of the 1990's also say that the European immigrants of the past were culturally similar to Americans, and that they were more willing to assimilate and become "American." Neither of these things are true. Old immigrant groups like the Italians and may be seen as generically "white" and "American" now, but when they first began moving to the

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Final Paper Cost Accounting Essay

Principles of Accounting II Cost Accounting Accounting is the accumulation and aggregation of info for decision makers including administrators, traders, authorities, loan providers, as well as the general public. Accounting systems impact behavior and administration and have effects across divisions, companies, and even nations. This report will provide the reader a knowledge regarding cost accounting. This report will talk about: Why is cost accounting so essential to the achievement of the company; what are the different ways of cost accounting and how are they utilized; how does an operating budget work in order to control a firms administration; what are the factors of a financial budget; how are financial budgets developed; what is variance analysis and the way its utilized. Cost accounting can be defined as the procedure of gathering, computing, assessing, interpreting as well as reporting cost info which is both helpful and related to the internal and external stakeholders of a business. Among the many advantages of cost accounting is that it converts data into info, knowledge and wisdom regarding a business entitys functions which is helpful for: gauging efficiency, decreasing or controlling expenses, deciding the charges or rates for services and goods, determining to approve, change or stop a plan or activity. One more advantage is that info on the costs programs as well as activities can be used as a foundation in order to approximate future expenses in organizing as well as analyzing budget requests. As soon as budgets are authorized as well as executed, cost info serves as a helpful comment on efficiency. In addition to that, costs might be compared to known or supposed advantages in order to identify value-added and non-value added actions. Deadline: ( ), Business – Acc†¦ To download this tutorial follow the link – There is no denying the important role a college education can play in just about anyone’s life. But, many worry that they do not know enough about  higher education to make intelligent decisions about their future. By keeping the above information close at hand, it is possible to make the entire process clearer and much more intuitive than you may have thought possible. Deadline: ( ), Business – Accounting Week1 D1: As you have learned in this week’s readings the Accounting Equation is + Owners’ Equity. Is the accounting equation true in all instances? Provide sample transactions from your own experiences to demonstrate the validity of the Accounting Equation. D2: What does the term account mean? What are the different classifications of accounts? How do the rules for debits and credits impact accounts? Please provide an example of how debits and credits impact accounts. Assignment: (see attached file) Week2 D1: Financial statements are a product of the accounting cycle. Think about two different companies: a manufacturing company, and a retail company. Why would different companies have different accounting cycles? Would you expect the steps of the accounting cycle to be the same for each company? Why or why not? D2: What is the purpose of a bank reconciliation? What are the reasons for differences between the cash reported in the accounting records and the cash balance in the bank statements? Assignment: See attached file Week3 D1: The controller of Sagehen Enterprises believes that the company should switch from the LIFO method to the FIFO method. The controller’s bonus is based on the next income. It is the controller’s belief that the switch in inventory methods would increase the net income of the company. What are  the differences between the LIFO and FIFO methods? D2: A variety of depreciation methods are used to allocate the cost of an asset to all of the accounting periods benefited by the use of the asset. Your client has just purchased a piece of equipment for $100,000. Explain the concept of depreciation. Which of the following depreciation methods would you recommend: straight-line depreciation, double declining balance method, or an alternative method?

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Gilgamesh and Odysseus Essay

Odysseus main challenge is to help defeat the Trojans in the battle of the Trojan horse. All the men who survived the war and the sea were safely back at home, other than Odysseus, he still had a long journey ahead of him. In the beginning of his journey, his challenge was brought upon him by the powerful God of the sea Poseidon. Poseidon became Odysseus enemy after a Cyclops held him and his crewmates captive. After escaping the Cyclops, Odysseus blinded it with fire and his sword. The Cyclops was the son of Poseidon, after telling his dad what happened Poseidon became full of rage and swore to Odysseus that he would pay for what he had done, and he would wander the seas for ten years as his punishment. After leaving the island of the Cyclops, Odysseus encountered Aeolus, who gave him a bag of winds that would have directed him back to Ithaca. However, one of the crewmembers was anxious to see what was in the bag, that he opened the bag while Odysseus was sleeping. Seeing that Odysseus was the only one that was directed to open the bag this caused terrible winds to come out which blew the men further off course. After many other challenges, at sea Odysseus ended up the only survivor. A few days later, he came to the island of the goddess Calypso; she fell madly in love with him, and held captive on her island for seven years. Upon that seventh year things started to change for Odysseus. Athena, daughter of Zeus and Odysseus’ protector, discussed his fate with the other gods that who assembled in Zeus’ home. All of the gods besides Poseidon sympathized with Odysseus, because of what he did to his son. Zeus however told the God Hermes to tell Calypso to let him go and give him a raft, food, and clothing for his journey to Ithaca; this did not settle will with Poseidon. Poseidon again wrecked Odysseus’ raft and which led him to have to swim to an island naked and exhausted. He woke with laughing women around him, who took Odysseus to meet there parents. They later found out who he was and his role in the Trojan war and helped him on his journey back home. A few more things that took place in his journey back home. When Odysseus finally got home back to Ithaca to be with his family he appreciated what he left behind even more. Odysseus when through many tests, all physically, mental, and emotional but he still survived and overcame his adversities. A woman- a goddess formed Enkidu from clay, by the name of  Aruru. A woman (Shamhat) seduced Enkidu. Gilgamesh sent Shamhat, the harlot to Enkidu as a gift but Enkidu was too full of himself to understand the depth and implications of it. The intercourse was for six days and seven nights. Shamhat was supposedly helped Enkidu become a man and a civilized human being. They learned that the love of a woman was valued above all others. In conclusion, the main comparisons between the journeys of Gilgamesh and The Odyssey were men facing several trials and tribulations that women had been the main cause of the problems and challenges. In Gilgamesh, Enkidu had challenges from the goddess and in Odyssey; Odysseus had challenges from the gods and goddess.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Bead Bar Network Paper

Bead Bar Network Paper Bead Bar Network PaperThe Bead Bar was founded in 1998 by Meredith S. The Bead Bar specializes in allowing customers to design and create their very own beaded jewelry. The first studio was opened in New Canaan, Connecticut. In a typical Bead Bar studio you will find customers sitting along the bar making their own jewelry with materials provided by the employees such as bead, wire, and string. Customers typically make bracelets, necklaces and other jewelry as they so desire. The Bead Bar has come a long way since 1998 and has established more studios, franchises, and Bead Bar on Board.In order to recommend a sufficient computer network for the Bead Bar we must understand their size and needs. Currently they have six studio locations, five franchises, and one portable Bead Bar on Board. They have 15 full time employees and approximately 20 part-time employees. The senior management team consists of eight people and their ideas and feedback will have a big influence over what IT decis ions we make for the Bead Bar.à ® ¤Ã  ® ®Ã  ® ¿Ã  ® ´Ã  ¯ : à ®â€¡Ã  ® ¤Ã  ¯  à ® µÃ  ® ¿Ã  ® £Ã  ¯ Ã  ® ®Ã  ¯â‚¬Ã  ® ©Ã¯ ¿ ½...Now that the Bead Bar has grown too large to use paper-based forms they will need to go through a major transition. This transition will include implementing information technology into their everyday work habits. It will allow them to complete their tasks more efficiently and allow for easier access and retrieval of important business related information. The paper-based form system is extremely outdated considering the technology that is available to organizations now. The paper-based system has proved to be inefficient for them. They have expressed several concerns about lost orders, incorrect invoicing, and fulfillment delays. It is evident that the Bead Bar needs to enter the digital world in order to improve their processes.There are several advantages to bringing the Bead Bar into the...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Natural Rights and How They Relate to U.S. Independence

Natural Rights and How They Relate to U.S. Independence When the authors of the U.S. Declaration of Independence spoke of all people being endowed with â€Å"unalienable Rights,† such as â€Å"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,† they were confirming their belief in the existence of â€Å"natural rights.† In modern society, every individual has two types of rights: Natural rights and legal rights. Natural rights are rights granted to all people by nature or God that cannot be denied or restricted by any government or individual. Natural rights are often said to be granted to people by â€Å"natural law.†Legal rights are rights granted by governments or legal systems. As such, they can also be modified, restricted or repealed. In the United States, legal rights are granted by the legislative bodies of the federal, state and local governments. The concept of a natural law establishing the existence of specific natural rights first appeared in ancient Greek philosophy and was referred to by Roman philosopher Cicero. It was later referred to in the Bible and further developed during the Middle Ages. Natural rights were cited during the Age of Enlightenment to oppose Absolutism - the divine right of kings. Today, some philosophers and political scientists contend that human rights are synonymous with natural rights. Others prefer to keep the terms separate in order to avoid the mistaken association of the aspects of human rights not typically applied to natural rights. For example, natural rights are considered to be beyond the powers of human governments to deny or protect. Jefferson, Locke, Natural Rights, and Independence. In drafting the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson justified demanding independence by citing several examples of ways in which England’s King George III had refused to recognize the natural rights of American colonists. Even with fighting between colonists and British troops already taking place on American soil, most members of Congress still hoped for a peaceful agreement with their motherland. In the first two paragraphs of that fateful document adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, Jefferson revealed his idea of natural rights in the often-quoted phrases, â€Å"all men are created equal,† â€Å"inalienable rights,† and â€Å"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.† Educated during the Age of Enlightenment of the 17th and 18th centuries, Jefferson adopted the beliefs of philosophers who used reason and science to explain human behavior. Like those thinkers, Jefferson believed universal adherence to the â€Å"laws of nature† to be the key to advancing humanity. Many historians agree that Jefferson drew most of his beliefs in the importance of natural rights he expressed in the Declaration of Independence from the Second Treatise of Government, written by renowned English philosopher John Locke in 1689, as England’s own Glorious Revolution was overthrowing the reign of King James II. The assertion is hard to deny because, in his paper, Locke wrote that all people are born with certain, God-given â€Å"inalienable† natural rights that governments can neither grant nor revoke, including â€Å"life, liberty, and property.† Locke also argued that along with land and belongings, â€Å"property† included the individual’s â€Å"self,† which included well being or happiness. Locke also believed that it was the single most important duty of governments to protect the God-given natural rights of their citizens. In return, Locke expected those citizens to follow the legal laws enacted by the government. Should the government break this â€Å"contract† with its citizens by enacting â€Å"a long train of abuses,† the citizens had the right to abolish and replace that government. By listing the â€Å"long train of abuses† committed by King George III against American colonists in the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson used Locke’s theory to justify the American Revolution. â€Å"We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.† – The Declaration of Independence. Natural Rights in a Time of Slavery? â€Å"All Men Are Created Equal† As by far the best-known phrase in the Declaration of Independence, â€Å"All Men Are Created Equal,† is often said to summarize both the reason for revolution, as well as the theory of natural rights. But with slavery being practiced throughout the American Colonies in 1776, did Jefferson – a life-long slave owner himself – really believe the immortal words he had written? Some of Jefferson’s fellow slave-owning separatists justified the obvious contradiction by explaining that only â€Å"civilized† people had natural rights, thus excluding slaves from eligibility. As for Jefferson, history shows that he had long believed the slave trade was morally wrong and attempted to denounce it in the Declaration of Independence. â€Å"He (King George) has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither,† he wrote in a draft of the document. However, Jefferson’s anti-slavery statement was removed from the final draft of the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson later blamed the removal of his statement on influential delegates who represented merchants who were at the time dependent on the Transatlantic slave trade for their livelihoods. Other delegates may have feared the possible loss of their financial support for the expected Revolutionary War. Despite the fact that he continued to keep most of his slaves for years after the Revolution, many historians agree that Jefferson sided with Scottish philosopher, Francis Hutcheson, who had written, â€Å"Nature makes none masters, none slaves,† in expressing his belief that all people are born as moral equals. On the other hand, Jefferson had expressed his fear that suddenly freeing all of the slaves might result in a bitter race war ending in the virtual extermination of the former slaves. While slavery would persist in the United States until the end of the Civil War 89 years after issuance of the Declaration of Independence, many of the human equality and rights promised in the document continued to be denied to African Americans, other minorities, and women for years. Even today, for many Americans, the true meaning of equality and its related application of natural rights in areas such as racial profiling, gay rights, and gender-based discrimination remain an issue.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Ray Ban Sunglasses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ray Ban Sunglasses - Essay Example It is important to bring to your notice that these designer wear prescription glasses help improve not only your vision but also ameliorate the eye strains. This is the forte of this brand as they offer Glass or polycarbonate lenses offer 100% UV protection. Ray Ban glasses always attract the customers without a second thought. Their new strategic media campaign for Spring/Summer 2007 "NEVER HIDE," is full of thought provoking innovativeness which happens to be the brand's benchmark. In its every form, the RAY-BAN campaign portrays regular guys and girls living their day to day lives with authenticity, with the courage to express themselves and their unique individuality, because the most fashionable thing to be is your self. Recently the company launched its campaign in New York and briefed its customers through a press release and said: "Ray-Ban has a rich history and an iconic personality that is authentic, real, bold and stylish. Ray-Ban has always created trends not followed them: authenticity and legacy mean something while flash and sparkle will come and go. But Ray-Ban is forever."(1) It speaks of timeless nostalgia. The elegance and subtlety of its design makes it an all time collector's item. For instance: the heavy metal Aviator series are unisex and look well proportioned on any face. Likewise the brand does not pose off cheap ritzy glasses that become dated after a while. The beauty of possessing a Ray Ban is the endorsement of its simplicity in design. Real trendsetters, real opinion leaders, real individuals believe the most fashionable thing you can be is yourself; to be authentic, real, bold and stylish. So to reclaim its rightful place as the legitimate leader of sunglasses, Ray-Ban has to only speak and act like their maverick selves. No wonder why all stylish models and celebrities put them because these glasses epitomize class and breed. Ray-Ban has adorned thousands of famous faces in international films, helping create the myth that it is today. To further explicate the proposition of purchasing only and only Ray Ban can be evaluated and gauged through the following review by one of its customers: "They are the ones to rock n roll. They speak of the 70s-80s style. They are perfect for my face. I think it looks good on anyone. There is a big difference buying sunglasses in streets. You could feel the quality and comfort because they are 100% authentic ray-bans, made in Italy. So, therefore I recommend for the people to get it if you could handle this hot item!"(2) This clearly proves that these designer wear glasses are every style conscious person's dream wear and imply the rich aesthetic sense of its wearer as well. Their supreme quality construction, sophisticated designs, and premier features like polarized lenses and durable frames make them ideal for activities ranging from heavy duty sports to driving. Appearing in hundreds of inspiring Hollywood films and beloved by fashion fans worldwide, the name "Ray-Ban" has become an icon in eyewear. Therefore, the Company's much coveted motto endorses its high claims and makes it the world's undisputed top notch designer wear brand-making it a worthwhile purchase. "Never pretend. Never be afraid. Never give up. Never Hide."

Friday, November 1, 2019

Assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Assignment 2 - Essay Example Leaders set a way for the all; they help us visualize ahead or we might achieve; they encourage us and inspire us. Without leadership a group of human beings quickly deteriorate into disagreements and conflict. Leadership takes us to the same direction and attach our efforts jointly. Leadership is the skill to get other people to do something worth and that they might not otherwise do. It’s stimulating people toward an end (Chen 2006). In the 1980s Harley-Davidson lost his job due to forces from his stiff competitors. Rich Teerlink, the company’s leader, was able to set aside the firm financially, but with the pressure off, the challenge of continuing to improve became more and more intimidating. He made a different company, one that focused on bottom up by employees rather than from the top down by managers. This was considered to be part of skilful entrepreneurial leadership. The role of leadership and related skills in business is beyond doubt. Giant leaders create g reat businesses and opportunities. Average leaders create average businesses (House 1977). The two essential functions in business are diverse and include leadership and management aspects. Leadership include individuals involved with balancing varying interests among managers, employees, customers, consultants and other business stakeholders. Management as related to leadership is commonly defined as the organization and coordination of various economic resources in a business. While leaders can be taken as managers, managers may not necessarily be leaders (Jago 1982). Leaders often have specific character traits that give their knowledge and skills more to directing an institution than managing company’s resources. Organizational leadership if focused in the business owner or directors of a company. Many owners are seen as leaders or initiators because they start new businesses based on an idea or vision which they might leave for the directors to implement. Business owners are responsible for handling diverse aspects of creating the new business inventions, regardless of how many difficult situations arise. Organizational leaders may respond to various negative business occurrences based on their core personality traits and try to implement measures for changing such situations. According to my own opinion, leadership traits should include enthusiasm, conscientiousness, boldness, self-assurance and competitiveness among other minor traits. These characteristics promote individuals ideal business skills for accomplishing tasks and inspiring people to work with the leader during tough situations (Krishnan 2004). Different studies have considered specific organizational leadership traits to include intuitiveness, maturity, team orientation, charisma and empathy among different authors. These may relate to the organizational framework of the business in which the leader works. In many organizations, business owners and leaders usually develop a mission o r value statement for the organization. This may includes information that will promote the sharing of information, knowledge and methods to individuals working in the business. Organizational leadership often recruits stakeholder and other junior leaders to help the leader fulfil his vision. They also delegate non-essential tasks to lower-level employees. This helps